============================================================================= INSTRUCTIONS FOR QUAKE MISSION PACK No. 2 DISSOLUTION OF ETERNITY ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please Note: Alternative HTML and MS Word versions of this and the Manual documents are included on this CD. To access these files, double-click on their icons at the root level of the CD, or you can find them in the Documents in the Quake\Rogue folder. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS: INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Installation Instructions for Win95 Installation Instructions for DOS Installation Instructions for Windows NT CUSTOMER SUPPORT Check List Support Options PLAYING QUAKE MISSION PACK No. 2 The Main Menu The Console and the Command Line ============================================================================= INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation Instructions for Win95 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Run Setup.exe from the CD either by double-clicking on the icon, or typing D:\Setup.exe in the "Run" line in Start Menu (if D:\ is your CD ROM drive; substitute the appropriate drive letter if not). 2) In the initial splash screen, click on the 'Install' button and follow the Setup Wizard prompts. 3) When asked to locate Quake.exe, use the folder explorer to locate your Quake directory. YOU MUST HAVE THE FULL, REGISTERED VERSION OF QUAKE LOADED ON YOUR MACHINE BEFORE INSTALLING QUAKE MISSION PACK No. 2. INSTALLATION WILL NOT PROCEED WITHOUT QUAKE. 4) The minimum specifications for Quake Mission Pack No. 2 are: MS(r)-DOS 5.0 or higher or Windows95(r) Pentium Processor 16 MB RAM Hard disk space: 40 MB for Mission Pack VGA and SVGA graphics support CD-ROM Drive Registered version of Quake If your machine does not meet these minimum requirements, Quake Mission Pack No. 2 will not run properly. 5) UniDial Communications is an Internet Service Provider that facilitates the multi-player functions of both Quake and Quake Mission Pack No. 2. When prompted, you can launch UniDial Communications' installation program. For more information or technical support for this internet service and its installer, please call 1-800-211-9683 and mention this Mission Pack. 6) When the installation is complete, you can start playing Quake Mission Pack immediately or quit to the desktop. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation Instructions for DOS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Assuming D:\ is your CD ROM drive letter, type the following: D:\Install.bat 2) When asked to locate Quake.exe, type the path name for your Quake directory. Typically, this is D:\Quake. YOU MUST HAVE THE FULL, REGISTERED VERSION OF QUAKE LOADED ON YOUR MACHINE BEFORE INSTALLING QUAKE MISSION PACK No. 2. INSTALLATION WILL NOT PROCEED WITHOUT QUAKE. 3) The minimum specifications for Quake Mission Pack No. 2 are: MS(r)-DOS 5.0 or higher or Windows95(r) Pentium Processor 16 MB RAM Hard disk space: 40 MB for Mission Pack VGA and SVGA graphics support CD-ROM Drive Registered version of Quake If your machine does not meet these minimum requirements, Quake Mission Pack No. 2 will not run properly. 4) When the installation is complete, you can start playing Quake Mission Pack immediately or quit to the desktop. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation Instructions for Windows NT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEITHER QUAKE NOR QUAKE MISSION PACK No. 2 WILL RUN UNDER WINDOWS NT! NEITHER OF THESE PRODUCTS ARE SUPPORTED UNDER WINDOWS NT BY ID OR ACTIVISION. 1) Run Setup.exe from the CD either by double-clicking on the icon, or typing D:\Setup.exe in the "Run" line in Start Menu (if D:\ is your CD ROM drive; substitute the appropriate drive letter if not). 2) In the initial splash screen, click on the 'Install' button and follow the Setup Wizard prompts. 3) When asked to locate Quake.exe, use the folder explorer to locate your Quake directory. YOU MUST HAVE THE FULL, REGISTERED VERSION OF QUAKE LOADED ON YOUR MACHINE BEFORE INSTALLING QUAKE MISSION PACK No. 2. INSTALLATION WILL NOT PROCEED WITHOUT QUAKE. 4) The minimum specifications for Quake Mission Pack No. 2 are: MS(r)-DOS 5.0 or higher or Windows95(r) Pentium Processor 16 MB RAM Hard disk space: 40 MB for Mission Pack VGA and SVGA graphics support CD-ROM Drive Registered version of Quake If your machine does not meet these minimum requirements, Quake Mission Pack No. 2 will not run properly. 6) When the installation is complete, you quit to the desktop. ============================================================================= CUSTOMER SUPPORT ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check List ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before contacting customer support, please consult the technical help file. It contains the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions and may quickly and easily provide a solution to your difficulty. If after reviewing the technical help file you are still experiencing problems, please feel free to contact us through any of the online services listed. Quake Mission Pack No. 2 (Dissolution of Eternity) technical support is available through our online services only. If you are experiencing difficulty with your original version of Quake, please contact id Software technical support. Due to the complex nature of network games, please provide the following information when requesting technical support: 1. Complete product title. 2. Exact error message reported (if any) and a brief description of the problem. 3. What operating system is each player using (e.g., Windows 95 or DOS)? 4. What kind of processor does each machine have (e.g., Intel Pentium(r) 90)? 5. What kind of video and soundcards do the machines have (e.g., Diamond Stealth 64 video, Sound Blaster)? 6. Are you using a joystick? If so, what brand and model? What is it using as a game port (e.g., soundcard, dedicated game port)? 7. How much free disk space do you have? 8. How much RAM is in each machine? In addition, please note whether you are using a modem or LAN to play Quake Mission Pack No. 2 and have the following information available. If you are using a modem: 1. What kind of modem is on each end (brand, model, speed, internal or external)? 2. Do you have more than one modem? 3. On which port is each configured? 4. Does Hyperterminal (or any other terminal program) work with your modem? This is an easy way to test whether or not your modem is configured correctly. 5. At what speed are you connecting? 6. Have you made sure data compression, error detection, and flow control is turned OFF? Refer to your modem's manual to do this. If using an external modem: 1. What kind of serial card is being used? 2. Do you have a seven-wire serial cable? If you are on a LAN: 1. Can you see other computers on the network? 2. What is your network configuration? 3. What brand of network card do you have? 4. What network software are you running? What version number? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Support Options ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Online Services with Activision Forums, E-Mail and File Library Support: America Online: Use keyword "Activision" to locate the Activision forum. CompuServe: 76004,2122 or [GO GAMBPUB] GO ACTIVISION Activision BBS: (310) 479-1335 Up to 28,800 Baud; Settings: 8 Bits, No Parity, 1 Stop Bit (8, N, 1) Internet: support@activision.com or http://www.activision.com Fax: (310) 479-7355, 24 hours a day FaxBack: (310) 473-6453, 24 hours a day Snail Mail: Activision Customer Support P.O. Box 67713 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Phone: Call our 24-hour automated voice-mail system for answers to our most frequently asked questions at (310) 479-5644. ============================================================================= PLAYING QUAKE MISSION PACK No. 2 ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Main Menu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Main Menu can be accessed by hitting the Esc key at any point in the game. SINGLE PLAYER NEW GAME - Start a new game LOAD - Load a previously saved game (also accessed by hitting F3) SAVE - Save current game (also accessed by hitting F2) MULTIPLAYER (also accessed by hitting F5) JOIN A GAME - Join a pre-existing network game MODEM - See the documentation for your Modem for settings and additional help. PORT - Select the COM port you have your modem connected to. IRQ - This is automatically set for you. You typically will not need to touch this setting. BAUD - Your modem speed. MODEM SETUP - Your modem init strings, and tone or pulse dial settings. PHONE NUMBER - The phone number of the person who is about to be spanked by you. CONNECT - This will dial the number, and establish the connection. DIRECT PORT - Select the COM port you want to connect to. IRQ - This is automatically set for you. You typically will not need to touch this setting. BAUD - Your COM port speed. CONNECT - Go! IPX ADDRESS - Your network address. This is automatically entered for you. PORT - The port at which you will connect to the server. This is automatically entered for you. SEARCH FOR LOCAL GAMES - Trolls the network for Quake servers. JOIN A GAME AT - If you know the name of a server on the network, type it in here. TCP/IP ADDRESS - Your network address. This is automatically entered for you. PORT - The port at which you will connect to the server. This is automatically entered for you. SEARCH FOR LOCAL GAMES - Trolls the network for Quake servers. JOIN A GAME AT - If you know the IP address of a server on the network, type it in here. NEW GAME - The options available here are the same as those in JOIN A GAME until you hit OK. OK BEGIN GAME - Starts a multiplayer game. MAX PLAYERS - The maximum number of players in a game. The Max allowed in any game is 4 unless you are running a dedicated server. GAME TYPE - Deathmatch (you against your buddies) or Cooperative (everyone works together to get through the level). TEAMPLAY - Determines if your teammates' health is affected when you shoot them. SKILL - Skill level: Easy, Normal, Hard, and Nightmare FRAG LIMIT - Maximum number of kills one player can get in one level. TIME LIMIT - Maximum amount of time of a game; none to 60 minutes EPISODE - Selects the episode of Quake Mission Pack No. 2 in which you start unleashing your fury. LEVEL - Selects the level within the episode. SETUP - Establishes the parameters that identify you and/or your server HOST NAME - The name of your server. YOUR NAME - Your name. SHIRT COLOR - Pick the color of your shirt. PANTS COLOR - Ditto OPTIONS CUSTOMIZE KEYS - Allows you to customize your keyboard and mouse controls GO TO CONSOLE - (same as the tilde (~) key) Drops the console down. RESET DEFAULTS - Returns all settings to the factory installed options SCREEN SIZE - (same as the + and - keys in the game) Increases or decreases the screen size. BRIGHTNESS - Brightens or darkens your screen display MOUSE SPEED - Adjusts the sensitivity of your mouse control. CD MUSIC VOLUME - Crank it up. SOUND EFFECTS VOLUME - Lets you hear the gurgling death cries of your slain enemies louder. Try 11. ALWAYS RUN - For the frenetic player INVERT MOUSE - This flips the control axis of your mouse control. LOOKSPRING - Automatically snaps your view horizontally after releasing the up/down keys. LOOKSTRAFE - When looking up or down, Lookstrafe lets you sidestep rather than turn when moving right or left. VIDEO OPTIONS - Sets your screen resolution. Use the arrow keys to select one of the many fine resolutions available to you through this special offer. Use the D key to make your selection the default. HELP/ORDERING - We realize that you already have the full version of Quake or you wouldn't be reading this. We just didn't want to take this window out just in case you wanted to buy a copy or two of Quake for your friends. QUIT - That's right, run, you coward. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Console and the Command Line ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the console, you can enter all kinds of commands that affect anything from game parameters to the color of your shirt. For a complete list of console commands, find a copy of the Quake FAQ. To activate the console, hit the tilde (~) key and type your commands. Remember, Quake commands are case sensitive. We hope you have enjoyed this wonderful document. If you have read all the way to this line, you are truly sick and need some help. Go play the game! Thanks, Activision ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Dissolution of Eternity(tm) (c) 1997 Id Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Developed by Rogue Entertainment for Id Software, Inc. Distributed by Activision, Inc. under license. Activision(r) is a registered trademark of Activision, Inc. Dissolution of Eternity(tm) is a trademark of Id Software, Inc. Quake(r) is a registered trademark of Id Software, Inc." All contents of this CD and related materials protected by applicable copyright laws.